For Podcasters

Aswaat works with the open, standard world of podcasts.

There’s no terms to agree to, no rights to give up, and no loss of control over your podcast or its distribution. Aswaat parses your RSS feed, downloads episodes directly from your servers to each listener, and doesn’t interfere with your stats or content at all.

There’s no separate submission process to be included in Aswaat. Simply submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts, and it will typically show up in Aswaat’s search within 1–2 days.

If your podcast is already listed in Apple Podcasts, but isn’t showing up in Aswaat, you may drop us a quick email over [email protected] and we will fix that for you.

Aswaat listeners can always subscribe to any public podcast feed.

Prohibited content

Since Aswaat is a small team that can’t possibly review and monitor all known podcasts for spam, adult content, hate speech, and other problematic, controversial, or illegal material, Aswaat uses the human-reviewed Apple Podcasts directory as its filter for what should be included in search results and recommendations.

In rare cases, a show may be included in Apple Podcasts that does not comply with its content requirements. If we are notified that Apple’s guidelines are being significantly violated by a show that is (but should not be) in their Podcasts directory, we may manually remove it from Aswaat’s search results and recommendations.

Regardless of whether a podcast is included in Aswaat’s search or recommendations, listeners can always subscribe to any podcast with a public feed URL using the "import your favorit podcasts feature" in library page.

Aswaat does not feature podcasts via human curation or editorial selections.

Aswaat provide a personallized feature podcasts list by combining user's subscriptions and listning history.

Linking to your show page

Aswat’s web URLs for known shows in Apple Podcasts always take the form: …where “123456789” is the iTunes ID for your podcast. Simply look for the corresponding number in your iTunes/Apple Podcasts URL to construct your Aswaat URL.

Chapter support Aswat displays MP3 and M4A chapter markers with titles, images, and/or link URLs.

You can easily add chapter markers to your podcasts with Forecast.


Aswaat’s iOS app uses the following HTTP User-Agents string for its episode downloads:

Aswaat/3.0 (+; iOS podcast app) and Aswaat/3.0 (+; android podcast app)

Keep in mind that a listener may download an episode from multiple devices.

This User-Agent only apply to audio-file downloads, not requests to your feed (see the next section).

Crawling your feed

Aswaat uses server-side crawling, centrally fetching your RSS feed for all Aswaat listeners to deliver new episodes faster and save bandwidth.

Each listener still downloads your audio directly from your servers. Aswaat does not cache, re-host, or re-serve audio to listeners, but you may see Aswaat’s servers download episodes to collect metadata.

Subscriber counts are reported in the HTTP User-Agent string, e.g.:

Aswaat/1.0 Podcast Sync (123 subscribers; feed-id=456789; + To protect privacy, no other statistics, analytics, or usage data are provided.